Friday, August 08, 2008

Name the Movie

Okay- so if anyone (which most of you do) know my husband, you know that he knows his movies. He is a quote KING. Anyway- I thought it might be fun every once in a while to give you a quote and see if you can guess it.

So here is the 1st one that kind of goes with this picture (the hint is Mary's hair):

"I'm trying to raise money to go to college."

Okay- here's another one, but Kregg thinks you should be able to get the movie from that quote.

"I see you are drinking 1%, is that because you think you're fat? Cuz your not... you could be drinking whole if you wanted to..."

Anyway... any guesses??

4 joe-cool comments:

karla said...

come on Kregg, everyone knows that's Napoleon Dynamite.
Give us something harder.

Dave West said...

Man, someone already got it. I was 'totally' going to say Napoleon Dynamite. Its only like my favorite movie.

Bigwood Family said...

How awesome is Kregg. I miss all of his movie commentary. He usually can do it with out cracking a smile too.

Napolean Dynamite is pretty much the best movie ever.

A liger is the best animal ever also.

Shauna said...

I know I know!! Napolean Dynamite for sure (ok, really I knew that before looking at the other comments :}). Love that show, it's a classic! And yes, she does look like her!