Thursday, April 24, 2008

More excitement at our house...

Well- I smelled something funny so I walked into the kitchen... Low and behold there is smoke everywhere, the microwave on fire, a can opener in it, and a little girl giving me puppy dog eyes. What am I going to do with her???? We were lucky that the microwave didn't explode or catch her on fire or anything. I guess I can't leave her alone for 2 seconds!!!

5 joe-cool comments:

Lyndee W. said...

Oh my gosh! I swear your life is so exciting! Everytime I log on it's a new silly story! Is it just because I only have one or is my one just super tame? You are so patient! I probably would've blown my top!

Lace said...

While you are teaching Mary what can and can't go in the microwave, tell her that Arby's wrappers can't. I made that mistake once (I was much older than her though). I'm glad it didn't catch on fire, can you imagine what the Mesquite police would have thought? :)

Momma Dil said...

Whoa! I can't think of anything else to say...whoa! That Mary's a little firecracker...literally! LOL

the twins said...

I love your blog. There is always excitment at your house. What are you going to do with a new baby too.

christa said...

That is SO INSANE!!! What better person to have as her mother though- you handle things SO WELL!!