Thursday, May 22, 2008

I'm an addict!!

Okay- so any of you who know me know that I am seriously addicted to going out to eat. I have actually even looked for a "fast food" support group on the internet- and to my surprise there is no such thing!! A few weeks ago I went to the doc to take my glucose test. I was teasing him that I hoped that it turned out alright- since my 5th major food group was ice-cream, and that I love my restaurants so much. So he freaked out and sent me to a dietician (he made the appointment and everything!). He told me that at least I admitted I had a problem... and that he was really shocked that I would have a problem like this, since most people he sends to the dietician have more of a weight problem than me. Anyway- I went to the dietician, and she told me everything that I really already knew... it's okay to eat ice-cream, just eat it in moderation! And with strawberries! Anyway- I know I'm rambling... but I did come across this link that has each restaurant and compares food and says what is better to eat. Maybe it's just another excuse for me, but I was really entertained by it! So here it is if you get a sec...

What I really need is some self control, but if anyone wants to be in my little support group....:)

6 joe-cool comments:

Britney O'Connor said...

I have an eating out problem too. But even worse I'm a complete shopping addict! Some may laugh and think all girls are...but seriously! I can't even go into the mall or I blow like a hundred bucks every time! Maybe we can both find support groups!

Kellie Glade said...

Julz that is a funny that you should post that because I still remember you eating a candybar (Snickers most of the time) for lunch at school. And sorry to share, but I've been bulemic ever since I got married...except for the whole throwing up part :) My husband loves food and trying new things way too much and he got me addicted. The joys of being married to someone that owns a candy business, huh. Good luck with the dietitian.

Julz said...

Oh man I shouldn't have put that picture on here! Sorry everyone!

Life in the Parke said...

Julie, I'll be in your group. I can't get enough chocolate in the pregnancy, the first couple months I didn't want it, but since then, that's all I want somedays. Thankfully I worked out hard the beginning of this pregnancy, so I didn't gain too much weight. Now that I'm days away from delievering, I have no control, I don't care, I eat what I want when I want and I know it's going to kill me next week when I show up to deliever and I'm 10 pounds heaver than I am today, lol. Tis life.


Momma Dil said...

So, cream and fast food are bad for you? Poo... :)

Shauna said...

Hey, your pregnant, remember? Give yourself a break!! We know you'll be back to your cute small self again soon! Especially since now you'll be chasing 4 around!! :}