Thursday, November 22, 2007

Mesquite Festival of Trees

This picture just cracks me up! Ty is such a spaz! Anyway- we got to go the Festival of trees last week. It was so great! I was really impressed. And it was perfect for my little family- it wasn't jammed-packed and there weren't so many to get through.
They had this table of crafts for the kids to do- this is where we spent most of our time.
Mary would take out a crayon and draw a quick line just so she could put it back in that big crayon thing. Ty was very serious with his gingerbread man- and I had to force Karson to color his pic before he could cut it all into very tiny pieces. It was a fun night! They also had fun games.

1 joe-cool comments:

christa said...

What fun!! That looks like so much fun!1