Thursday, August 27, 2009

First Day of School

So this past Monday was the first day of school. Ty's 2nd grade, Karson Kindergarten, and Mary pre-K. I would have to drive them to the bus stop anyway, so I decided to just drive them to school (except for Mary, they still drive her to and from our apartment). They are at a brand-spankin' new school which is pretty exciting! It's year round school which will be interesting, but I'm actually looking forward to it. There's not a whole lot you can do in the summer out here anyway. :)
I would love to say that Lucy and I have a few hours to ourselves, but that's not the case. Karson is in morning Kindergarten and Mary is in afternoon school. Ha!! It makes a little work for the soccer mom in the minivan.
All 3 are making friends and really adapting to their new lives here. I'm so proud of each of them- they seem to make good choices and they make friends so easy. Plus they try hard and (right now) like going to school. It seems like it is going to be a good school, and aside from me witnessing 2 moms duke it out in the school parking lot the other morning, it seems nice and safe.
Here's to a wonderful year!! :)

2 joe-cool comments:

karla said...

I LOVE year round school. Zack and Hannah had it through elementary school. It's the best! Glad to hear things have gone so smoothly. Can't wait to see everyone in October.

Phil, Aminda, Jovie and Bryce said...

Mom's dukin it out!!! That must have been a sight!